Shaun Attwood Former Drug Kingpin on The Criminal Connection Podcast Episode #11
Episode #11 of The Criminal Connection Podcast welcomes former drug kingpin Shaun Attwood.
Starting from being a stockbroker in a ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ like office, to being a drug kingpin on the west coast of America, to then being sentenced to nine and a half years in jail.
He represented the majority of bereaved families at the Manchester Arena inquiry and assisted in the case involving with the Leah Betts death at Raquels as well as representing Micky Steele in the famous Essex Boys triple murder.
Hear about all of his exploits with ‘Wildman’, his association with cartels, and his stories from his regular working life which rival those that happened when he was a criminal.

Kimura Performance Studio’s proudly presents, The Criminal Connection Podcast with Terry Stone. Enjoy the show.